Archive for June 2024

Dr. Fauci’s Pseudo Science – By George J. Marlin

June 25, 2024

The following appeared on Monday, June 25, 2024, in the Blank Slate Media newspaper chain and on its website,

Throughout the COVID lockdown, Dr. Anthony Fauci and his associates at the National Institute of Health, in the name of science, dictated how we were to conduct our lives.

Their public utterances were infallible and had to be accepted ex cathedra.

Members of the medical profession who dared to disagree with a Fauci diagnosis or interpretation of data were publicly shamed as cranks spreading disinformation. They were excommunicated from the fellowship of scientists because they were incorrigible sinners.

The term “science” means experiment and observation. It is concerned with the nature of things, not in its abstract form, but in its observable and material appearance. Conclusions reached by scientists after analyzing accumulated data are always contingent. In other words, a scientist interpreting data cannot lay claim to the absolute certitude of his conclusions. The most scientists can say is “as far as we know….”

But during COVID, Fauci spoke in absolute terms when imposing restrictions on Americans.

However, with COVID behind us, the truth about the crisis is finally coming out, and those findings are dimming the aura that has surrounded Dr. Fauci.

On Sunday, June 9, The New York Times ran two major pieces under the umbrella title “Can we finally have an honest conversation about COVID?” It is fascinating reading but received little attention from the mainstream media.

Dr. Alina Chan, a molecular biologist at Harvard and MIT, writes in her piece “Why COVID Probably Started In a Lab”: “Although how the pandemic started has been hotly debated, a growing volume of evidence—gleaned from public records released under the Freedom of Information Act, digital sleuthing through online databases, scientific papers analyzing the virus and its spread, and leaks from within the U.S. government—suggests that the pandemic most likely occurred because a virus escaped from a research lab in Wuhan, China.”

Dr. Chan’s lengthy analysis points out that at the “Wuhan Institute of Virology, a team of scientists had been hunting for SARS-like viruses for over a decade … [and] the year before the outbreak, the Wuhan Institute, working with U.S. partners, had proposed creating viruses with SARS-CoV-2’s defining feature.”

She adds, “…the Wuhan lab pursued this type of work under low biosafety conditions that could not have contained an airborne virus as infectious as SARS-CoV-2.”

The doctor concludes, “…the hypothesis that COVID-19 came from an animal at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan is not supported by strong evidence.”

Dr. Chan asks for a “credible investigation [that] would deter future acts of negligence and deceit by demonstrating that it is indeed possible to be held accountable for causing a viral pandemic.” And she calls on Dr. Fauci to cooperate with the investigation.

Sadly, despite all the evidence, the New York Post has reported, Dr. Fauci, in his forthcoming “tell all” memoir, continues to insist that talk about a lab leak in Wuhan is a conspiracy theory that generated smear campaigns.

In the companion essay, Times columnist, Zeynep Tufekci, concedes “Big chunks of the history of the Covid pandemic were rewritten over the last month or so in a way that will have terrible consequences for many years to come.”

Under questioning of Dr. Fauci, at a congressional subcommittee hearing, Americans learned “that some key parts of the public health guidance… during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, were not backed up by solid science. What’s more, inconvenient information was kept from the public suppressed, denied or disparaged as crackpot nonsense.”

Studies did not support the six-foot apart mandate, or that the virus was spread by droplets, or that schools and businesses had to be closed. “Officials did not just spread these dubious ideas, they also demeaned anyone who dared to question them.”

And then there was the cover-up. A senior National Health Institute doctor, for example, deleted emails to avoid public oversight.

“Delays, falsehoods, and misrepresentations,” Tufekci concludes, “had terrible real-time effects on the lives of Americans.”

As for the long-term impact: “Public Health officials squandered our faith in them for not being transparent.”

Pretty powerful stuff for the left-wing Times.

To begin the long road of redemption, Dr. Fauci and his confreres should confess they are not omniscient and God-like, ask for forgiveness, and publicly proclaim “mea culpa, mea maximus culpa”—”through my fault, through my most grievous fault.”

Hochul, an Ineffective Political Chameleon – By George J. Marlin

June 17, 2024

This article I wrote appeared on the website on Monday, June 17, 2024.

Gov. Hochul Surrenders – By George J. Marlin

June 10, 2024

The following appeared on Monday, June 10, 2024, in the Blank Slate Media newspaper chain and on its website,

Well, well, well—Gov. Kathy Hochul has thrown in the towel on congestion pricing.

Hochul, who has proclaimed she is the Green Movement’s champion, who wants to take away our gas-run stoves, heating systems, and automobiles, has succumbed to pressure from Democratic pols (fearing voter backlash) and municipal and private sector unions.

I am not at all surprised by her announcement to suspend the congestion toll that was slated to commence on June 30.

Face it, Hochul has been a political chameleon throughout her public career. There was a time when she not only sought and accepted the nomination of the Conservative Party in one of her Western New York races but embraced the National Rifle Association as a candidate for Congress.

Let’s review the events surrounding the MTA’s congestion pricing program that caused Hochul to flip.

First there was the sticker shock. Passenger vehicles driving south of 60th Street in Manhattan at peak hours would pay $15; unit trucks $24; multi-unit trucks $36; buses $24; licensed sightseeing buses $36; and motorcycles $7.

Those huge charges upset the business, trucking, union, and political communities.

Local servicing companies from the outer boroughs announced they would pass down the toll costs to their Manhattan business customers. Business owners, in turn, intended to pass the added expense on to their retail customers. So, working-class folks would be stuck picking up the tab for the MTA’s latest financial scheme.

Next, there was a barrage of lawsuits filed in federal and state courts aimed at derailing the program.

After Albany rejected in April a plan to exempt government workers, nurses and first responders from having to pay the toll, a coalition of labor unions representing 400,000 municipal workers joined a suit filed earlier by the United Federation of Teachers.

“The congestion toll is just another crazy thing in the city,” said Harry Nespoli, boss of the City Municipal Labor Committee. “No one likes going into our pocket when we’re mandated to come in. These are the people who make the city run.”

There was, however, one ludicrous suit, filed by New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, claiming the toll discriminated against New Jersey residents.

He appears to have forgotten that New Yorkers have been supporting for decades the Port Authority’s top money-losing transportation projects that cater to Jersey residents: the PATH subway and the 42nd Street bus terminal.

To cover those deficits, which total hundreds of millions of dollars annually, the PA expends tolls paid by New Yorkers and profits from LaGuardia and JFK airports.

To me, that’s very expensive interstate discrimination.

When announcing the halt, Hochul said she “cannot add another burden to working-class New Yorkers or create another obstacle to our continued economic recovery.” But she was disingenuous. The very next day, the New York Post reported “Gov. Hochul is pushing a New York City tax hike to replace the $15 congestion tolls she indefinitely postponed.”

As for the furious enviros who are weeping and moaning that they were betrayed, they will get over it. That constituency has nowhere to go. They are not going to suddenly embrace the Republican and Conservative parties to spite the Democrats.

What the green crowd has failed to grasp is that congestion pricing was the MTA’s “Hail Mary” pass to raise money—not to help the environment.

The MTA hoped to raise at least $1 billion a year from congestion tolls to finance $15 billion in long-term borrowing for capital projects. Ergo, the last thing the MTA would want is a decline in Midtown Manhattan traffic.

If Hochul really wants to salvage the MTA’s finances, she should consider shaking up the agency.

The management has been incompetent for years. It has been responsible for a bloated $7.8 billion payroll, egregious overtime that cost $1.37 billion last year, fare evasions to the tune of $750 million annually, and tens of billions of dollars in cost overruns to build the Long Island Rail Road extension to Grand Central Station, the Second Avenue subway, and the No. 7 train station to 10th Avenue.

Will Gov. Hochul have the grit to take on the MTA bureaucrats, the mass transportation public employee unions and the construction unions? I doubt it.

Instead of sticking it to the Power Brokers, I expect Hochul will stick the costs of the MTA’s fiscal follies to the most vulnerable—the commuters.