Archive for April 2024

Left Donors’ ‘Dark Money’ Uses Tax System to Spread Ideology – By George J. Marlin

April 29, 2024

This article I wrote appeared on the website on Monday, April 29, 2024.

Don’t Municipalize LIPA – By George J. Marlin

April 16, 2024

The following appeared on Monday, April 15, 2024, in the Blank Slate Media newspaper chain and on its website,

In 2022, the state Legislature created a commission that was wired to recommend in 2023 that the municipalization of the management of the Long Island Power Authority’s electrical grid “represents the best alternative for LIPA ratepayers.”

That recommendation, in my judgment, is ludicrous.

But before explaining my opposition, recounting LIPA’s history in a nutshell is necessary.

For over half a century, the generation, distribution and maintenance of electrical power on Long Island has been a hot potato tossed around by governors, county executives and local pols fearful of being held accountable for outlandishly high electric rates and blackouts.

In the early 1970s, politicians panicked when the Middle East embargo pushed the price per barrel of oil to over $60, causing significantly higher local electrical charges.

Fearful of voter backlash, they supported the Long Island Lighting Company’s plan to build a nuclear plant that they were certain would provide an unlimited supply of cheap power.

Construction of LILCO’s Shoreham nuclear facility began in 1973 and was nearing completion by 1984. In May 1988, however, with changes in the political climate—and with memories of gas lines fading—federal and state officials blocked Shoreham from opening. The environmental lobby was appeased, but LILCO was destroyed financially.

To deal with the disaster, a 2023 Empire Center report noted “LIPA was first established to buy out the ill-fated Shoreham nuclear plant … and eventually bought out LILCO completely…. The multibillion-dollar debt from the never opened Shoreham (roughly $13 billion adjusted for inflation), plus additional debt taken on since, has caused Long Islanders to pay electricity prices above both the state and national averages.”

As a New York State public benefit corporation, LIPA was intended to be nothing more than a holding company with no more than 15 staffers to oversee financing and debt management. The actual maintenance, generation, transmission and distribution work was to be handled first by KeySpan, then National Grid and later PSEG.  Instead, LIPA ballooned to over 100 employees as the authority became a dumping ground for the relatives of politically connected seeking high-paying employment.

Because LIPA squandered hundreds of millions of new debt on consultants, on failed fuel cells, electric buses, solar panels, and costly research and development programs that yielded little investments in nuts and bolts, infrastructure suffered.  The effects of this neglect became evident during 2011’s Hurricane Irene and 2012’s Hurricane Sandy.

Reacting to the Hurricane Sandy disaster, an angry Gov. Andrew Cuomo responded by pushing through the Legislature the LIPA Reform Act and directed LIPA to replace National Grid with PSEG.

As a third-party manager, PSEG has been far from perfect, but it has been more than adequate.

So why municipalize its services?

The Empire Center has concluded it does not make any sense: “A fully municipalized LIPA can’t do it any cheaper…. Capital costs won’t be any lower…. It is also already able to access Federal Emergency Management Agency funds for repair of storm damage that is not available to private utilities…. It’s hard to discern what’s the real point of the municipalization proposal.”

There are other practical reasons for opposing a takeover. First and foremost, the day-to-day oversight management of Long Island’s entire electrical power system would be overseen by a board consisting of political cronies who can turn it into a political patronage mill.

A politically driven board would have trouble attracting qualified highly paid employees, particularly a CEO to replace the well-respected Tom Falcone who, unfortunately, resigned in March.

And what about the hundreds of PSEG employees who perform the day-to-day management and upkeep of the electrical infrastructure? Will they become LIPA employees eligible for lucrative state pensions?

The cost to ratepayers to fund the pensions would be exorbitant and would increase the already sky-high usage costs.

And then there is the question of responsibility. If PSEG is no longer responsible for managing, then it cannot be blamed for blackouts or failed emergency responses. Instead, the blame would fall on—you guessed it—Gov. Hochul, who controls LIPA.

No, the municipalizing of the electrical system makes no sense practically or politically.

The good news: Albany insiders tell me Gov. Hochul has realized there is no political upside for her and has quietly put the kibosh on the LIPA enabling legislation.

Hopefully, she stands by her decision.

Senate No Longer Works for Americans – By George J. Marlin

April 12, 2024

This article I wrote appeared on the website on Friday, April 12, 2024.

Stop the State Pension Giveaway – By George J. Marlin

April 4, 2024

The following appeared on Monday, April 1, 2024, in the Blank Slate Media newspaper chain and on its website,

Buried deep in the state Legislature’s budget is a frightening proposal that if signed into law by Gov. Kathy Hochul would increase the pensions cost for state and municipal employers to the tune of $4 billion.

To understand the impact of the Legislature’s sleight of hand ploy, a walk down memory lane will be helpful.

At the turn of the century, combined annual taxpayer contributions to the state’s defined benefit pension system was $1 billion. By 2010, that figure grew to a staggering $10 billion. (In recent years the cost has been about $16 billion annually.)

To address the ticking pension “time bomb,” Gov. David Paterson persuaded the Legislature to support a modest modified pension plan known as “Tier 5” that covers employees hired on or after Jan. 1, 2010.

While the Tier 5 benefit would cost less, there was a major flaw: New York City employees were not included in the plan.

After taking office in 2011, Gov. Andrew Cuomo realized that the Paterson initiative was not enough to shore up the pension system.

So, in 2021 Cuomo proposed “Tier 6” to further contain defined benefit pension costs.  That bold reform was projected to save state and municipal governments $113 billion over 30 years.

Tier 6 benefit changes included:

  • An increase in the minimum full benefit retirement age from 62 to 63.
  • Higher employee contribution rates, ranging from 3% to 6%, for those earning $75,000 or more.
  • An adjustment in the final average salary calculation to cover five instead of three consecutive highest paid years, effectively reducing the base in most cases.
  • A $15,000 cap, indexed to inflation, on pensionable overtime, which was unlimited for pre-2010 hires.

In addition, unlike Tier 5, it included New York City police and firemen hired after April 2012.

On the 10th anniversary of the Paterson–Cuomo reforms, the Empire Center for Public Policy released a report in December 2021 titled “Tiering Up: The Unfunded Business of Public Pension Reform in New York,” prepared by E.J. McMahon.

In his report, McMahon wrote “The Tier 5 and Tier 6 changes combined are saving New York state and local governments outside New York City more than $1 billion this year, reducing total employer contributions by about 15% compared to what would have been billed to cover workers under previous plans.”

This is all well and good; nevertheless New York’s public pension system plans are very generous. Benefits are in the range of 50% to 75% of final average salaries. On Long Island, for example, several retired school district superintendents are receiving north of $200,000 a year. And don’t forget recipients are exempt from paying New York State and municipal income taxes on their annual benefit.

That’s not all. “State and local employees in New York,” McMahon pointed out, “also belong to the federal Social Security system supported by combined employer and employee payroll taxes whose benefits can raise their annual post-retirement incomes to more than 100% of pre-retirement earnings.”

Not a bad deal.

But the public employee unions are never satisfied.  Hence, in an election year, they are using their clout to pressure legislators to sweeten the pension pot for members who have been employed since 2012.

On March 26, the New York Post reported “state lawmakers are set to make it easier for teachers, cops and other state workers to pad their pensions—and leave taxpayers footing the nearly $4 billon bill….”

Under Tier 6, a retiree’s final benefit is based on average salary over the last five years on the job.

Under the new legislation, the final average salary will be based on the last three years of service.

Empire Center analyst Ken Girardin has written that the new rule “would retroactively increase the pensions for a small group of people who have retired in the past two years and raise the future pensions for roughly half of New York’s public-sector workforce.”

This is an outrageous tax burden to place on civilian taxpayers, many of whom are struggling to make ends meet and do not have a guaranteed defined benefit pension plan.

Contact your state legislators and tell them this expensive and unfair sop to the unions must be rejected.

The New York Conservative Party, of which I am a member, should deny its nomination to any Republican who supports the pension giveaway.

Pols Remain Captive to Left, NY’s Decline Continues – By George J. Marlin

April 2, 2024

This article I wrote appeared on the website on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.